
What God Did in Cuba

My trip to Cuba was my first mission trip that we were doing all evangelism. I have been on many many trips that we have done physical labor during the day and evangelism in the evenings.

On this trip I not sure what to expect, but I went with a open heart. I have always believed that I was a good Christian, but what I witnessed from the young people in my group was so enlightening. They didn’t hold back. They praised God and spread his word. They always knew what to say and when. I learned so much from witnessing their unhindered love for Christ and I yearned to be like them.

On the day that we were attending the baptisms at the river, I knew I would be one to be baptized. Jesus called me to him.

This is just the beginning for me. I am learning to pray in a whole new way. I am coming out of my box and I am trusting the Lord and allowing him to use me to do his work.

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